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Exam prep and study tips
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​When it comes to getting ready for final exams, preparation is key! If you want to feel Zen (or as close to it as possible) before an exam, step one is to understand what’s going to be evaluated. Next, you need to make a specific study plan, follow it, and get to work! There’s no secret or magic trick. You simply need to prepare adequately.

How to get ready for exams
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Creating a study schedule
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Your exam schedule is your most valuable tool for planning your study time. As soon as you receive it, take a moment to create your own exam calendar. The most effective strategy is to place this calendar in a spot where you will see it often. The following steps will allow you to design a comprehensive study schedule.

  1. Start by adding your exam dates to your calendar. Circle them in red so that they stand out.
  2. Once you have a clear picture of the order of your exams, you can start planning when to study in your agenda. Make sure to give yourself extra time for difficult subjects and exams that will cover everything you learned throughout the year.
  3. Next, make sure to set aside some free time so you can decompress. This will help you stay motivated. You can think of these moments as rewards for your hard work! 
  4. Even if it’s challenging, try to follow your schedule to a T. Remember that you’ll have plenty of time to hang out with your friends once exams are over. (Putting in a little extra effort now is so much better than having to go to summer school!)
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How to study effectively
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Now that you have a clear schedule to follow, it’s time to start studying. We know this is much easier said than done. Luckily, we have a few tips that should help:

  1. Start studying as soon as possible (at least four days before the exam—ideally sooner if you think the exam will be difficult).
  2. Make a list of what will be assessed for each subject. Next, break the material down into smaller topics. Doing so will make the task feel less daunting.
  3. Studying a little at a time is a lot more motivating than trying to review everything at once. For every 45 minutes of studying, take 15 minutes to get some fresh air or have a snack. You might consider setting alarms to make sure you don’t lose track of time.
  4. Add a little colour to your study time. Use high-quality paper or colourful card stock to make study notes. Don’t hesitate to get creative here, it will help make things more interesting!
  5. Pretend you’re the teacher: Explain concepts out loud as if you’re teaching a class. (Incidentally, being able to express something in your own words is a sure sign that you understand the material.)
  6. Spend more time on the toughest concepts and make sure to review them often. Repetition can be extremely helpful if you’re having more trouble remembering certain material.
  7. Read, reread, and read some more! Because your short-term memory only commits 10% of the information you’ve learned to your long-term memory, it’s important to reread the content you’re studying a few times.
  8. If you’re stuck on a concept that’s more difficult to understand, ask questions in Alloprof’s Help Zone. It’s a great way to tackle whatever you’re struggling with head-on. As a result, you’ll be able to keep studying for your exam with more confidence. While you’re there, you can also challenge yourself by answering other students’ questions related to the subject you’re studying.
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More tips to help you succeed
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​Stay positive
Remind yourself that you can pass this exam, but don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You don’t need to be perfect. You can also try to practise positive visualization by picturing yourself passing the exam with flying colours. It’ll help your confidence!
​Set priorities

You should spend more time studying the most important exam topics. If you’re not sure what those are, ask your teacher!
​Make your own review sheets

Summarizing the main ideas in a few key points helps enormously with memorization. If you can, try to condense your notes onto a single sheet or create one sheet for each topic that will be on the exam. A concise summary will also be easier to review the morning before the exam.
​Go to exam review sessions and don’t be afraid to ask for help

Teachers often dedicate the last class before an exam to going over the most important exam material. It’s also common for teachers to schedule bonus review sessions. It’s a good idea to attend these classes, pay attention, and take as many notes as possible. They’re the perfect time to ask for clarification about topics you have questions about. Our Crash Lessons and other Alloprof videos can also help you prepare for exams.

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