Absolutism, or absolute monarchy, is a political system in which the sovereign holds all the power. The sovereign may claim to acquire their power from divinity to further enforce their position. This is known as the divine right of kings.
L'altermondialisme est un mouvement qui est opposé à la mondialisation et qui propose des alternatives. Les altermondialistes se battent, entre autres, pour la justice économique, la protection de l'environnement, les droits humains et contre la surexploitation des ressources.
Americanism mimics American culture (way of life, hobbies, spending habits, modern ideas, etc.), which is connected to mass media (radio, television).
Animism is the belief that every element in nature (animals, rocks, trees, rivers, etc.) has a spirit.
Anticlericalism is the ideology that is completely against the Church’s intervention in political affairs. Anticlericals want the separation between Church and State.
Antiglobalization is a movement that opposes globalization and presents alternatives. Antiglobalists fight for causes such as economic justice, environmental protection, human rights and against overexploitation of resources.
Capitalism is an economic and social system based on private means of production. A great deal of importance is placed on making profits and on those who have capital (money). Capitalism encourages individual initiative as well as competition between companies.
Communism is a social, political and economic doctrine based on the collective ownership of the means of production. Communism aims to create an egalitarian society where social classes don’t exist.
Corporatism is the social and economic doctrine with the goal of creating corporations (bringing together workers and bosses) in all economic activity sectors (agriculture, industry, trade). The main goal is to establish better working relationships and to avoid social conflicts.
La doctrine sociale de l'Église désigne toutes les positions de l'Église catholique sur les questions économiques et sociales.
Environmentalism has a political vision based on the protection of the environment.
Fascism is a radical ideology that opposes democracy, individualism, capitalism, economic freedom, parliamentarism, communism and socialism. This ideology arose in Italy in 1922 under Mussolini and is often coupled with racism. Nazism was a form of fascism promoted by the German Nazi party between 1933 and 1945.
Feminism is a movement that promotes the rights and interests of women and raises awareness to abolish the injustices and inequalities that women face.
Free trade is a trading system that ultimately aims to remove all obstacles and trade barriers, allowing the flow of goods to increase. Governments can enter into partnership and sign free trade agreements with one another.
Gallicanism is a principle that advocated for the Catholic Church in France to be autonomous and independent from the Pope. Although the Pope was head of the Church, the French kings influenced the bishops' choice and decisions.
Not too long after Confederation in 1867, many Anglophones still felt an attachment to Great Britain. In this context imperialism was an ideology that supported ties to the British Empire.
Liberalism is a school of thought that upholds individual freedoms and individual accountability. Therefore, the power of the State must be limited.
Economic liberalism is the application of liberalism to economics. Therefore, the government should not interfere with the economy so that markets and businesses can operate autonomously and with complete freedom. Free trade is an example of economic liberalism.
Le libre-échangisme est un système de commerce visant ultimement à éliminer toute entrave, toute barrière au commerce. Le libre-échange permet, entre autres, d'augmenter la circulation de biens. Des États peuvent s'associer et signer entre eux des accords de libre-échange.
Mercantilism is an economic doctrine from the 16th and 17th centuries when a government’s primary wealth was gold and silver.
Nationalism is a school of thought with the aim of advancing and defending a nation.
Since the installment of the British Régime and the adoption of the Royal Proclamation of 1763, a sense of belonging emerged among the Francophone Catholics in the Province of Quebec, identifying themselves as the Canadien nation. This was the beginning of Canadian nationalism.
With the political tensions of the 1830s, French-Canadian nationalism became very politicized. The Parti canadien, which later became the Parti patriote, defended the Canadian nation and developed the idea of an independent Lower Canada. After 1840, the French-Canadian nation’s culture became very important (language, religion), and the focus was on the nation’s survival. After 1867, tensions between English and French Canadians (Métis rebellions, Conscription Crisis of 1917, etc.) rekindled French-Canadian nationalism.
Neoliberalism is a school of thought that was developed in the early 1980s. Like liberalism, it looks to reduce the government’s involvement and criticizes the welfare state model, arguing that the government’s intervention should only be a last resort.
Protectionism is the opposite of free trade. As its name suggests, protectionism aims to protect a government’s economy against competition from other countries by implementing measures such as taxes or duties to reduce imports.
The phrase social doctrine of the Church refers to all Catholic Church’s positions on economic and social issues.
Socialism is a social doctrine that condemns the social inequalities caused by capitalism. Socialists want a redistribution of wealth and social equality. Communism is largely inspired by socialism, but is more radical.
Ultramontanism is a school of thought that advocates the obedience of political power to papal authority. In other words, the government must obey the will of the Church.