In order to convert units of measure for time, it is important to understand the relationships or equivalencies between these units of measure.
Convert 5 weeks to days (d).
1 week = 7 days |
7 d + 7 d + 7 d + 7 d + 7 d = 35 d |
5 weeks is equivalent to 35 days.
Convert 4 hours (hr) 35 minutes (min) into minutes.
1 hour = 60 minutes |
60 min + 60 min + 60 min + 60 min = 240 min |
240 min + 35 min = 275 min |
4 hours and 35 minutes is equivalent to 275 minutes.
To convert units of measure for time, it is necessary to understand the relationships or equivalencies between these units of measure.
Convert 424 seconds (s) into minutes (min).
60 s = 1 min |
60 × 5 = 300 |
424 s - 420 s = 4 s |
424 s is equivalent to 7 min and 4 s.