A technological system is an organized set of interconnected components that influence one another to accomplish an overall function.
A technological system can be described in terms of its characteristics, such as its overall function, inputs, outputs, processes and control.
A technological system can be simple or complex.
Incandescent bulb components
Glass bulb
Inert gas
Tungsten filament
Lead wire (to electrical foot contact)
Lead wire (to metal base cap)
Support wire
Glass mount
Base contact wire
Metal base cap
Electrical foot contact
A bicycle is a complex technological system because it has many components and requires several processes, such as steering control using the handlebars and motion transmission from the pedals to the wheels.
A subsystem is a set of components that performs a specific function within a technological system. If one of the subsystems fails, the technological system cannot function.
To better understand a bicycle’s complex technological system, it is broken down into several subsystems: seat, steering, wheels, transmission, brakes and frame.
A component is a piece, part or device within the technological system or subsystem that has either a mechanical or electrical function.
The pedals, crank, front derailleur, chain, crankset, sprockets and rear derailleur are components of a bicycle’s transmission subsystem and technological system.
Analyzing the subsystems, components and their functions is a good way to fully understand how a technological system works. The following table shows the mechanical analysis of some components of a bicycle’s technological system.
Subsystem | Component | Mechanical function(s) of the component |
Wheel | Hub | Rotational guiding control of the wheel subsystem |
Seat | Seat post | Saddle supports Link between the saddle to the frame subsystem |
Transmission | Pedal | Motion transmission driver component |
Transmission | Chain | Motion transmission intermediate component |
This analysis can be performed for all components of the bicycle’s technological system.