An ideology is a set of ideas and beliefs that influence the actions of the people who adhere to them.
Different ideologies are classified, based on their ideas and values, on the left-right political spectrum. Below are the main political ideologies and where they fall on the political spectrum.
Anarchism is an ideology that rejects all forms of authority. Anarchists believe people should not be restricted. The government represents authority and imposes restrictions on the people in the form of laws and regulations. Anarchists are anti-authority and anti-establishment.
Capitalism is an economic and social system based on private means of production. A great deal of importance is placed on making profits and on those who have capital (money). Capitalism encourages individual initiative as well as competition between companies.
Communism is a social, political and economic doctrine based on the collective ownership of the means of production. Communism aims for an egalitarian society in which social classes don’t exist.
Examples of communist countries include China, Cuba and the USSR up until 1991.
Socialism is a social doctrine that condemns the social inequalities caused by capitalism. Socialists want a redistribution of wealth and social equality.
The French Socialist Party
Environmentalism is an ideology that promotes consideration of the environment when making political and economic decisions, to protect it for future generations.
The Green Party of Canada
Liberalism is a school of thought that defends individual freedom and democracy. The person is accountable and as such, the government’s power must be limited.
The Liberal Party of Canada, the U.S. Democratic Party
Conservatism is an ideology that defends traditional values and the established order, and generally opposes progressivism.
The Conservative Party of Canada, the U.S. Republican Party
Fascism is a radical ideology that opposes democracy, individualism, capitalism, economic freedom, parliamentarism, communism and socialism. Fascism is often coupled with racism.
Fascist political parties include Benito Mussolini’s National Socialist Party in Italy, the Ku Klux Klan in the United States, and the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany (the Nazi Party).
Note: Image in English coming soon.