Test-taking and exam preparation aren’t exactly fun for the majority of students. It’s normal to feel stressed, even overwhelmed, especially if your schedule is loaded with other assignments, extra curricular activities, and perhaps a part-time job. The cure: Be prepared! Although this may sound easier said than done, read on to discover some engaging ways to make studying more enjoyable.
When reviewing for tests and exams, try to incorporate various studying techniques to break up the monotony. Flash cards or slide shows are great tools to help you remember information and quiz yourself. If you’re using cue cards, try ones in different colours, or use different coloured markers or pens when writing questions and answers. There are also many online resources to create flashcards, including:
Graphic organizers are also great tools. These visual diagrams help you organize broader concepts with interrelated ideas to show connections. They offer an overall picture of what you are learning and will help you remember information more effectively. Graphic organizers include: Mind maps, Venn diagrams, flow charts, idea webs, t-charts, timelines, among others.
Why not make a podcast about the topic you’re studying? This is an innovative way to study and analyze a particular subject. Create a list of discussion points (key concepts) about the topic and elaborate on them. Then, record yourself as if for a real audience. You could even share it with your class! Producing your own educational video capsule is also fun and an effective way to make sense of the material you are revising. Alloprof has plenty of videos that you can use for inspiration!
There are many other unique ways to study, such as creating songs or rhymes and mnemonic devices related to the information you need to remember. Associating information with a melody, rhythm, short sentence, or acronym can enhance your memory retention.
Finally, while note-taking, you can doodle or sketch. These drawings will help you retain information. Use different hand lettering styles too, like block-style, shadowing, cursive styles, among others, to add an element of fun. There are many how-to videos online about hand lettering that you can watch!
Study groups are a great way to get together with friends to practise and review for tests and exams. Why not jazz it up by trying the following:
Use a quiz show or trivia challenge format. Create questions, divide into teams, and compete to answer questions. This not only reinforces learning but also adds an element of friendly competition. You could also create interactive quizzes using various online sites, such as Kahoot.
Conduct debates on test topics. Prepare debate questions, divide into teams that have different viewpoints, and present your arguments. Debates can help you to think critically about topics as well as justify your thinking.
Host a study snack party. Friends can bring in their favourite snacks to share. As a group, decide on an amount of time to work, then reward yourselves with a fun snack! Use the Alloprof Motivational Timer to create your study session.
Be the teacher (or the student). Teach a lesson that you have prepared and give your “students” a quiz.
Studying and doing homework in the same place day after day can become monotonous. So why not switch it up? Go to your local library with friends to study. Many libraries have special rooms that you can reserve for meet-ups. You could also try studying outside, if weather permits, at the park, in your backyard, or on your balcony.
You can also change up your routine at home. Rearrange your study space with some good lighting, a comfy chair, or play some soft music. Alloprof even has its own Spotify playlist! Use some funky and fun new school supplies while making your study notes.
Don’t limit yourself to your books either. You can learn by watching educational videos and documentaries related to the topic you are studying, or go on a cultural outing, like a museum, as a way to complement your knowledge. Many museums have virtual visits too!
Spending 3 hours straight studying is neither fun nor effective. It’s important to schedule in some well-deserved breaks to reward yourself. To do this, establish a schedule, such as a 30 minute study period followed by a 10 minute break. It’s important that your breaks are activities that you enjoy doing, like checking your social media, reading your favourite novel, playing with your pet, or going for a quick walk. This kind of positive reinforcement will boost your motivation and make studying a lot more enjoyable!