To convert a fraction into a decimal number, it is important to understand place value and the parts that make up fractions and decimal numbers.
Read the concept sheets Place Value, Fractions, and Decimal Numbers to learn more.
A fraction can be converted into a decimal number when it is out of ten |\left(\dfrac{?}{10}\right),| out of a hundred |\left(\dfrac{?}{100}\right),| or out of a thousand |\left(\dfrac{?}{1\ 000}\right).|
When the fraction is out of ten |\left(\dfrac{?}{10}\right),| you can convert it into tenths.
The numerator of the fraction |6| tenths |\left(\dfrac{6}{10}\right)| becomes the tenths in a decimal number. So, I write |6| in the tenths place and |0| in the ones position.
When the fraction is out of a hundred |\left(\dfrac{?}{100}\right),| you can convert it to hundredths.
The numerator of the fraction |83| hundredths |\left(\dfrac{83}{100}\right)| becomes the hundredths in a decimal number. So, we write |3| in the hundredths position, |8| in the tenths position, and |0| in the ones position.
When the fraction is out of a thousand |\left(\dfrac{?}{1\ 000}\right),| you can convert it to thousandths.
The numerator of the fraction |47| thousandths |\left(\dfrac{47}{1\ 000}\right)| becomes the thousandths in a decimal number. So, we write |7| in the thousandths position, |4| in the hundredths position, |0| in the tenths position, and |0| in the ones position.
Sometimes, a fraction will need to be converted to obtain an equivalent fraction out of ten, a hundred, or a thousand.
If the numerator of the fraction is greater than the denominator, you have to convert the fraction into a mixed number, then convert the mixed number into a decimal number.
Read the concept sheet about mixed numbers to learn how to convert fractions into mixed numbers .
Review the How Is a Mixed Number Converted Into a Decimal Number? section to learn how to convert mixed numbers into decimal numbers.
I have to follow these steps to convert a fraction into a decimal number when it is not out of ten, a hundred, or a thousand.
I convert the fraction to obtain an equivalent fraction out of ten, a hundred, or a thousand.
I write |0| in the integer part of the decimal number.
I convert the new fraction into a decimal number.
Convert the fraction |\dfrac{2}{5}| into a decimal number.
|\dfrac{2}{5}| can be converted into |0.4.|
To convert a mixed number into a decimal number, it is important to understand place value and the parts that make up mixed numbers and decimal numbers.
Read the concept sheets about place value, fractions, and decimal numbers to learn more.
The integer of the mixed number is the integer of the decimal number.
The fraction of the mixed number becomes the decimal part.
A mixed number can be converted into a decimal number when the fraction is out of ten, a hundred, or a thousand.
When the fraction is out of ten |\left(\dfrac{?}{10}\right),| you can convert the mixed number into tenths.
The fraction of the mixed number |8| and |6| tenths |\left(8\ \dfrac{6}{10}\right)| is out of ten. Its numerator becomes the tenths in a decimal number. Therefore, I write |6| in the tenths position and |8| in the ones position.
When the fraction is out of a hundred |\left(\dfrac{?}{100}\right),| you can convert the mixed number into hundredths.
The fraction of the mixed number |3| and |3| hundredths |\left(3\ \dfrac{83}{100}\right)| is out of a hundred. Its numerator becomes the hundredths in a decimal number. So, we write |3| in the hundredths place, |8| in the tenths place, and |3| in the ones position.
When the fraction is out of a thousand |\left(\dfrac{?}{1\ 000}\right),| you can convert the mixed number to thousandths.
The fraction of the mixed number |6| and |47| thousandths |\left(6\ \dfrac{47}{1\ 000}\right)| is out of a thousand. Its numerator becomes the thousandths in a decimal number. So, I write |7| in the thousandths position, |4| in the hundredths position, |0| in the tenths position, and |6| in the ones position.
Sometimes, the fraction will have to be converted to obtain an equivalent fraction out of ten, a hundred or a thousand.
I have to follow these steps to convert a mixed number into a decimal number when its fraction is not out of ten, a hundred, or a thousand.
I convert the fraction to obtain an equivalent fraction out of ten, a hundred, or a thousand.
I write the integer of the mixed number as the integer of the decimal number.
I write the numerator of the new fraction in the decimal part of the decimal number.
Convert the mixed number |\left(2\ \dfrac{16}{25}\right)| into a decimal number.
|2\ \dfrac{16}{25}| can be converted into |2.64.|
A fraction can be converted into a percentage (%) when it is out of a hundred.
The fraction |78| hundredths |\left(\dfrac{78}{100}\right)| can be converted into |78| percent |\left(78\ \%\right).|
||\dfrac{78}{100}=78\ \%||
Sometimes, the fraction must be converted to obtain an equivalent fraction out of a hundred.
I have to follow these steps to convert a fraction into a percentage.
I convert the fraction to obtain an equivalent fraction out of a hundred.
I convert the new fraction into a percentage.
Convert the fraction |\dfrac{15}{20}| into a percentage.
|\dfrac{75}{100}=75\ \%| |
|\dfrac{15}{20}| can be converted into |75\ \%.|