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Geometric transformations make it possible to associate any initial figure with an image figure (final figure).

There are four main geometric transformations:

  • Translation

  • Rotation

  • Reflection

  • Dilation

A geometric transformation that does not change the measurements of a figure is an isometry. Translations, rotations, and reflections are all isometries.

A geometric transformation associating similar figures is called a similitude. Dilation is a similitude.

When several geometric transformations are performed successively, the rule connecting the transformations is a composition and the result is called the composite. The symbol |\circ| is used, which means "composite".


The composition |t_{(a,b)} \circ s_x| corresponds to the reflection of a figure in relation to the axis of |x| followed by a translation. We read the composition as “|t| composite |s_x|“.


  1. We perform the transformations from right to left.

  2. A reflection followed by a translation (in the same direction as the axis of reflection) is an isometry called a glide reflection.


See the following concept sheets to learn how to perform various geometric transformations in a Cartesian plane:


Recognizing transformations requires mastering the rules and associating them with the correct transformations.




|(x,y) \mapsto (x+a,y+b)|

Translation of |a| units horizontally and |b| units vertically.

 It is the only transformation involving |+| and |-|.

|(x , y) \mapsto  (-y, x)|

Rotation of |90°| or |-270°| centered at the origin.

The order of the letters has been changed and the first coordinate becomes negative.

|(x , y) \mapsto (-x, -y)|

Rotation of |180°| or |-180°| centered at the origin.

Since the figure makes a u-turn, we only change the signs.

|(x , y) \mapsto (y, -x)|

Rotation of |270°| or |-90°| centered at the origin.

The order of the letters has been changed and the second coordinate becomes negative

|(x,y) \mapsto (x,-y)|

Reflection with respect to the |x|-axis.

Only the |y| changes sign.

|(x , y) \mapsto (-x, y)|

Symétrie par rapport à l’axe des |y|

Only the |x| changes sign.

|(x , y) \mapsto ( y, x)|

Symmetry with respect to the bisector of quadrants |1| and |3|.

We change the order of the letters.

|(x , y) \mapsto (-y, -x)|

Symmetry with respect to the bisector of quadrants |2| and |4|.

We change both the order and the signs.

|(x, y) \mapsto (kx, ky)|

Dilation Ratio |k|

It is the only transformation which involves multiplication by coefficients different from |1|.


Compare the coordinates of the corresponding vertices to find the transformation which links two figures in a Cartesian plane, i.e., the |A| with the |A’|, the |B| with the |B’|, etc.


Translation example

We translate the pink triangle and obtain the blue triangle.


We compare the coordinates of the corresponding vertices:

|A| and |A’|: |(2,3)| and |(-2,1)|;
|B| and |B’|: |(3,2)| and |(-1,0)|;
|C| and |C’|: |(1,1)| and |( -3,-1)|.

There is no multiplication of the coordinates, no change of order, and no significant change of sign. Only the translation remains as an admissible transformation.

We locate the rule:

The value in |x| of point |A| went from |2| to |-2|, i.e., a difference of |4|.
The value in |x| of point |B| went from |3| to |-1|, i.e., a difference of |4|.
The value in |x| of point |C| went from |1| to |-3|, i.e., a difference of |4|.

The value in |y| of point |A| went from |3| to |1|, i.e., a difference of |2|.
The value in |y| of point |B| went from |2| to |0|, i.e., a difference of |2|.
The value in |y| of point |C| went from |1| to |-1|, i.e., a difference of |2|.

Therefore, the rule of translation is: |t_{(-4,-2)}: (x,y) \mapsto (x – 4,y – 2)|.

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