A property of numbers is a characteristic of numbers which allows them to be classified.
A number is even when you can make groups of 2 without having a remainder.
To learn more about even numbers, read the following concept sheet:
A number is odd when it is impossible to make groups of 2 without having a remainder.
To learn more about odd numbers, read the following concept sheet:
A property of numbers is a characteristic of numbers which allows them to be classified.
A number is even when you can make groups of 2 without having a remainder.
To learn more about even numbers, read the following concept sheet:
A number is odd when it is impossible to make groups of 2 without having a remainder.
To learn more about odd numbers, read the following concept sheet:
A number is prime when it has only 2 divisors: 1 and itself.
To learn more about prime numbers, read the following concept sheet:
A number is composite when it has 3 or more divisors.
To learn more about composite numbers, read the following concept sheet:
A number is square when it is the product of a number with itself.
To learn more about square numbers, read the following concept sheet:
A property of numbers is a characteristic of numbers which allows them to be classified.
A number is even when you can make groups of 2 without having a remainder.
To learn more about even numbers, read the following concept sheet:
A number is odd when it is impossible to make groups of 2 without having a remainder.
To learn more about odd numbers, read the following concept sheet:
A number is prime when it has only 2 divisors: 1 and itself.
To learn more about prime numbers, read the following concept sheet:
A number is composite when it has 3 or more divisors.
To learn more about composite numbers, read the following concept sheet:
A number is square when it is the product of a number with itself.
To learn more about square numbers, read the following concept sheet: