A number can be used to count, measure, compare, or order. It is written using digits.
The number 3 is written using one digit: 3.
The number 68 is written using two digits: 6 and 8.
Digits in a number occupy a position or place. For example, there are the ones, tens, and hundreds positions.
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Comparing numbers is determining whether a number is greater than (bigger), less than (smaller), or equal to another number.
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The property of a number is a specific characteristic of a set of numbers which allows them to be classified. For example, a number can be even or odd.
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A number line is a line divided into equal parts on which numbers are ordered.
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A number can be used to count, measure, compare, or order. It is written using digits.
The number 3 is written using one digit: 3.
The number 68 is written using two digits: 6 and 8.
Place value is the value of a digit according to its position in a number.
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Comparing numbers is determining whether a number is less than (smaller), greater than (bigger), or equal to (=) another number.
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A prime factor is a factor that is a prime number.
Prime factorization is decomposing a natural number greater than one into the product of its prime factors.
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The property of a number is a specific characteristic of a set of numbers which allows them to be classified. For example, a number can be even, odd, prime, square, or composite.
Read the following concept sheets to learn more:
A number line is a line divided into equal parts on which positive integers, negative integers, and/or decimals numbers are ordered.
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A number can be used to count, measure, compare, or order. It is written using digits.
The number 3 is written using one digit: 3.
The number 68 is written using two digits: 6 and 8.
Place value is the value of a digit according to its position in a number.
Read the following concept sheet for more information:
Comparing numbers is determining whether a number is less than (smaller), greater than (bigger), or equal to (=) another number.
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A prime factor is a factor that is a prime number.
Prime factorization is decomposing a natural number greater than one into the product of its prime factors.
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An exponent indicates how many times a number is multiplied by itself.
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The property of a number is a specific characteristic of a set of numbers which allows them to be classified. For example, a number can be even, odd, prime, square, or composite.
Read the following concept sheets for more information:
A number line is a line divided into equal parts on which positive integers, negative integers, decimals, and/or fractions are ordered.
Read the following concept sheet for more information: