Uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion (UARM) is the motion of a moving object in a straight line with constant acceleration.
In a UARM, since the acceleration is constant, the change in speed remains the same every second. On the other hand, the change in position is therefore increasingly greater, since a greater distance is covered at each time interval.
The use of the term rectilinear in the definition of UARM refers to motion in a straight line. When motion occurs in more than one axis (for example in projectile motion), breaking down the motion into components based on the different axes simplifies its analysis.
Graphical relationships between the various motion parameters allow a clearer understanding of the motion. UARM also describes specific cases. The following concept sheets deal with the characteristics of this type of motion.
A car that accelerates after having made a compulsory stop will travel, every second, a distance which will always be greater and greater.
Pour valider ta compréhension à propos du MRUA de façon interactive, consulte la MiniRécup suivante :
When a moving object has zero acceleration, it moves in a uniform rectilinear motion (URM).